Full Pink Moon ~ 6th April ’12

Tonight we anticipate the first full moon of spring. This moon is often referred to as the Full Pink Moon, Full Fish Moon, or Full Grass Moon.

Over the past few evenings the moon has been dramatically growing in size, and last night it was so bright, it illuminated my house through tightly closed curtains. It was looking promising but alas, it is not to be. With the thick covering of grey/black cloud that has built up over the day, I think we’ll be lucky to get a glimpse of anything at all tonight. I’ve been wrong before though, so you never know. The full moon often has a way of persuading the clouds to separate, like the curtains on the stage of a theatre.

Happy Moon Gazing.

April’s Full Pink Moon

So tomorrow night is the full moon in our northern hemisphere.

Again we have a variety of names for April’s moon.  Egg moon, fish moon, planting moon and seed moon.  My favorite is the native American Pink Moon, named after the blooming wild flowers in April.  Maybe when I look out tomorrow night it’ll speak for itself.  Happy moongazing 😉