The Craft

Well I’ve been busy going through the latest draft of my first novel Verado – The Workers (more info to the right of this page).  I’ve been blessed with the most amazing beta reader I could ever have hoped for.  I won’t mention her name, as I don’t think she’ll thank me for the stampede of new authors wishing to have a hugely talented pair of eyes look over their work.

Its only been a couple of years since I started writing, and yes naively I had no idea of the technicalities involved with producing a workable piece.  Just going through my manuscript with someone who is far more capable and experienced than me is teaching me so much.  I am beginning to recognise my repeated offences and terrible habits far more easily now that someone else isn’t afraid to point them out to me.  (I’m pretty sure full stops are over rated anyway!)

I imagine that writing is a craft that you continue to hone and perfect and perhaps never completely master, surely that’s part of the fun.

I can’t express how grateful I am for the precious time my beta reader is kindly donating to me – you know who you are – thank you, thank you, thank you  🙂  🙂  😉